Upward Plank Pose

The Anatomy Of Arm Support Pose



The difficulty surrounding arm support poses is mostly due to the physical structure of the human hands. Contrary to feet, hands are made to seize and pick up things, instead of bearing weight. It is for that reason that newcomers are encouraged to become experienced at standing poses prior to initiating with arm support poses. When practicing yoga, keep in mind wearing appropriate clothes that will allow the free movement of your entire body. Yoga or compression pants, leggings, and workout pants are all fitting options.

Purvottanasana (poor-vo-tan-ahs-ahna) is frequently categorized as a primary back-bending arm support yoga position. It works the spine, legs, and arms while lengthening various muscles like the obliques, psoas minor and major, rectus femoris, ileus, and biceps.

A perfect upward plank pose should create a slight curve from the tip of the toes all the way to the crown of the head. To properly carry out this pose, one’s hips and chest have to be actively pushing upwards, one’s stomach must remain tucked in, while the fingers are kept widespread. The hands will receive the line of energy that is being dropped straight down from the shoulders. One’s head is comfortably tilted backward, and the soles of the feet continuously press down against the ground. For those who feel uncomfortable when tilting their heads down, simply keep your head and neck tilted upwards and gaze at your legs or feet.

Some tips to take into account are the following:


  • Keep your fingers pointing towards the feet
  • Keep your toes pointed and the two big toes touching one against the other
  • Roll your legs a little bit inwards before coming into the pose
  • Keep your abdominal muscle tucked in


It is important to keep these critical points in mind when going into an upward plank pose, as they make up the basis of this position and will help avoid any unwanted injuries.

In order to gain the strength needed to carry out this pose, you can practice positions such as the regular plank pose or Kumbhakasana, four-limbed stick pose or Chaturanga Dandasana and dolphin plank pose or Makara Adho Mukha Svasana. These poses will work on strengthening your arms, wrists, core, and spine, plus stretching your shoulders and legs.

Once you have prepared your body and gained more strength you can go ahead into a full upward plank pose after doing preceding poses like cow face pose or Gomukhasana, reclining hero pose or Supta Virasana, and bow pose or Dhanurasana. Succeeding poses can either include seated forward bend or Paschimottanasana or downward-facing dog position or Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Most benefits surrounding this yoga pose are related to the rebalancing of the fourth, Anahata chakra. It is the energy center that unites the physical with the spiritual chakras and is related to the moralities of compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. Amongst its benefits, one can find that this position aids with relaxing the mind and to slowly wash away negative feelings like grief, anger, jealousy, and fear.

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